

In an effort to make ourselves known as more than just an events agency, we looked at establishing a shopper marketing-specific extension that would integrate seamlessly with Momentum’s existing brand equities and highlight our mission to create brand and retailer success through shopper experiences that matter.

We’re all about delivering Strategic High Performance Results with velocity, speed and power by using our proprietary suite of tools that predicts (with IBM Watson), targets, tests, and scores (just to name a few) to create personalized experiences, inspired shopper creative and strategic connections that drive purchase.

Horizontal version of the final logo

Horizontal version of the final logo

My goal was to create a powerful wordmark that really spoke to the above while blending perfectly with Momentum’s established branding. I leveraged existing fonts and colors in new ways that helped express upward momentum, evolution, speed and agility—all things so important in the ever evolving shopper discipline.

A few pages from the brand guidelines

A few pages from the brand guidelines

We also began to explore how the new extension would come to life digitally.
